Have you ever seen anything so bright and beautiful as a rainbow in the sky? I will forever chase the rainbow in the sky to find that pot of gold! I have since learned the rainbow is a sign from our Loving God that God will not ever bring the floods of destruction upon the beautiful earth again.
What God has done is to place the rainbow in the sky facing away from humanity as a sign of God’s commitment not to flood the earth again. The gift of refreshing rain to the parched earth is most looked forward to and appreciated by everyone who lives. Still, rain can be very destructive and even wash away life.
In the bible the following is recorded for our edification.
“I will remember the covenant between me and you and every living being among all the creatures. Floodwaters will never again destroy all creatures. The bow will be in the clouds, and upon seeing it will remember the enduring covenant between God and every living being of all the earth’s creatures. God said to Noah, ‘this is the symbol of the covenant that I have set up between me and all creatures on earth.’” Genesis 9:15-17 CEB.
Who would have expected from early reading of the flood narrative, that God our Maker would ever be so inclined to give back life with all its fullness. But something happened, which is not explicitly explained. But something has happened to God, and as a consequence, life is radically changed. Noah embodies newness in human history. Perhaps it is God’s desire to love His creation even in spite of our sinfulness. It’s called redemptive love.
Heavenly Father: may our gift of new life, given by You; come to us as portion of the Love You have given to all creation though not earned or deserved. Amen.