In all seriousness, have you ever been asked this question; are you saved? “Saved from what?” would probably be our most common response to this question. I don’t believe that this is an active question found within the walls of our church. Why do I say this? Because I believe that Jesus, the Son of God, died on the Cross for our sin and is therefore the very foundation of our Christian understanding of eternal forgiveness. Because He lives, we can face tomorrow and all that life can bring upon us. Are we saved? Yes, of course, but not through our doing, only through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is our answer.
The beautiful aspect of this foundation of faith is there is nothing we can do or believe on our own that can earn our Salvation. If we had to earn our salvation then and only then would this question be compelling. Because He lives, we know that we can face tomorrow with all its problems and tribulations without falling or failure. The tenth chapter of Acts assures us that there is no question. It would be impossible for us to earn our way into heavens rewards of eternal life. God has already paid for our admittance into the heavenly kingdom. What we need to do is to live as if we knew it, by reaching out to friends and family, assisting them to believe and accept.
From our study of the book of Acts, we are told that it is the Church’s understanding of God’s divine grace that opens the door into the eternal heavens, for all creatures, great and small. The book of Acts written by Luke tells us that God our Father and Creator has made all things bright and beautiful, and that we are blest with all blessing of eternal forgiveness. Is there a way we can give our ‘thanks and praise’ for God’s eternal goodness? Yes, to live as one who is forgiven, and therefore is able to forgive.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the blessing of Your eternal love and forgiveness to all through Jesus Christ, Your Son and our Savior. May we always be held in His Loving Tender hands. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.