Ezra 1-6
This passage chronicles the ends of the Babylonian captivity (the exile) and the return of the people to Jerusalem. It covers the struggles they had with going back and attempting to rebuild the temple and the walls of Jerusalem. It concludes with the celebration of the Passover at the newly construction temple and the restoration of God’s people in a new way.
How do you think it must have felt to see the Temple destroyed and the walls of Jerusalem torn down?
I wonder what it was like to live in Babylon? Have you had times in your life when you questioned where God was?
Have you had times that you had to trust in God to show you a new way and a new life?
Almighty God, You are always with us, even when we struggle to see a purpose and plan. Thank You for walking with us and guiding us to live faithful and fruitful lives. Empower us today to be Your people sharing Your love with others. Amen.