We can read in The Book of Acts as the Apostle Luke wrote; “Therefore let the entire house of Israel know with certainly that God has made him (Jesus) both Lord and Messiah, this Jesus who you crucified!” (Acts 2:36). We in this day would never ever think that the Lord Jesus ought to be crucified. Not for anything, even this or that misunderstanding. If we have come to know this Jesus, Son of God, and Lord of Lords, then everything that is done will not cause more pain in the way things are. What can we do in this day and age to help make all Christians one in mind, body and spirit?
In the time when Peter was on earth as those who turned to him said, “What should we do?” Peter offered the prophet’s call, from Isa. 55:1. “Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money. . ., Come, buy wine and milk without money and without praise” (Isa. 55:1). The early church was tempted and tested both by those within its walls and those without.
What were the things that kept the church alive and growing in its beginning years? The early church devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles. What we have been able to learn is that those who were connected to the First Church turned to all that had been written and taught. Even in our day the church, in order to keep well and strong, needs to be faithful to its calling and commitment, to be teachers and to reflect upon all that has been handled down.
The church today ought to be in fellowship. That is in close and faithful relationship with Christians of all confessions. I have heard others remark that the different disciplines need to bring themselves to the Savior following whichever path they choose to follow. What is most important is to be faithful to what it is they believe to be God’s Word and direction.
The church also has prayers to keep and practice in order to be faithful to the Risen Lord. In all of these activities; the teachings, the fellowship and the breaking of bread, filled in with prayer, will always keep the church alive and well and a beacon to follow in this day of darkness and doubt.
Heavenly Creator God, help all who confess their love and allegiances to You in this day to become one in obedience, truth, and acceptance, even if it is impossible for us to be one faith in our service to You and Your kingdom here on earth. Thru Christ, the world’s Lord and Savior. Amen.