This Psalm has in it as much of the warmth and lively devotion as any of David’s psalms. Just to read it brings forth a warm loving feeling from deep within us. As when we have read some of Paul’s epistles which were composed while he was out in the wilderness, so it was with David’s psalms which were penned as he traveled in the wilderness. But he never traveled alone.
The first two verses reveal David’s real affection, “O God, You are my God, I seek You.” What a marvelous statement of faith, how could anyone say it better than to announce that there is no other God but You, my heavenly Father? Every day we seek God’s presence; God’s strength, His compassion, His loving care and as we do life takes on new meaning.
Alone in the wilderness we are blest with the faith in all this openness to recognize as David did, “Because Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise You.” It is true that we all attempt to live life, to make the most we are able out of it, yet when we see the vastness of God’s creation it causes us to question: “O God, what am I in comparison to all that You have created!”
Can we, as David was able, give God praise for all that we enjoy. A good home and family, all the material possessions we have earned, and for growing daily in our faith. Are we are able to count our blessings, to be reminded over and over again, how wonderful my God is!
O Lord, our Father and our keeper; may the life we live express always how very much we are grateful, and that our gratitude will be seen even more in how we live. In the eternal Love of Christ our Savior we pray. Amen