
Happy Are Those Who Take Their Delight in the Law of the Lord

By: Ray Larson

Posted: November 10, 2016

Category: Daily Devotional

In reading this psalm, we learn right off what the Psalmist is saying. For it begins in saying happy are the righteous for they “are like trees planted by streams of water.” Psalm 1:3. This is written in contrast of what happens if we are not, “the wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away.” Psalm 1:4. If trees are not living close to the source of living water though they may be tall and strong they will not live long. Even trees are not able, we can say in all honesty, to grow and flourish without the source of life. We know that without their source of life they will be more like chaff, which can be blown away by the winds of life.

This use of the parable leads us to accept what it is we need in order to live the life we wish to live. It’s a life that feeds itself from the very Source of Life in order that we will be as healthy and wise that our Heavenly Father wills for us. To use the metaphor that the Palmist used, are we living close to the very source of life, which is our Saviour Jesus? Or, are we trying to live according to our own sources which leads to chaff that the wind blows away?

Since we are not trees we need to ask the question a little different; are we living close to the source of our life? The Lord of Life is our very Source of life! Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of all life, is the One who lived and died for the forgiveness of life, so that we all can have not only life as we know it, but Eternal Life that has no end. This is God’s Eternal gift to all of His faithful children. Jesus Christ is our Source of Eternal life, is our Lord. For all of us, this is how the story goes. If we want to make the story our story hold on to what the Psalmist is saying here. We will be like trees that are planted near the source they need to live and thrive. The writer goes on to say what will happen to the wicked, they will become blown chaff.

Are we trees? Of course not, but we can be short of all that we need to live a good and full life. It really is our choice, God has provided all we need to live a good life now, and eternal life later. Should we ask, what is our source of living the good life? Our source of living the good and full life is much more than water, even Living Water. Our source is to live always close to our Lord, the Son of God who died that we might have life and more. Live close to Christ and have life abundantly for all eternality!


Holy Father, may we live with Your Son Jesus as our guide and stay, this day and always. Amen.