On Monday we began a new series of devotionals using the Scripture Index of Glory to God Hymns, Psalms and Spiritual Songs as a guide. The Scriptural Index is found on pages 979-988.
Beginning with Genesis 1, there are six musical selections with allusions to that first chapter of the Bible. For Genesis 1:1, there are eight selections with allusions to that first chapter and first verse.
This series of devotionals will take us up to Advent and the “Sweeter Than Honey,” the Advent/Christmas /Epiphany Cookbook Devotional. Then, we will resume the series on January 7, 2020, the day after Epiphany.
The plan is to examine many, but not all of the scriptures listed. Where there has been only one scripture verse from a book, like Ezra 3:11 and Esther 4:14, then we will certainly deal with those verses. We will point out the scriptural allusion. For the purpose of this devotional you will be best served to have your Bible handy and the hymn for the day from Glory to God hymnal will be printed, since everyone may not have a copy of the hymnal at home or wherever you are when doing your daily devotional.
READ: Genesis 5:21-24 (v. 24)
READ or SING: Hymn 541 or 542 God Be with You Till We Meet Again
This is a remarkable passage in that we become acquainted with people who had truly amazing life spans. One such man was named Enoch. He became the father of Methuselah at age 65. Enoch walked with God after the birth of Methuselah for 300 years. During that time Enoch fathered other sons and daughters. Enoch lived 365 years. Enoch walked with God those years and then he was no more because God took him.
Enoch was blessed in that he did not taste death. God took him and we are given the impression that he did not have the opportunity to bid farewell or goodbye to his loved ones. “A Congregational pastor wrote the text of this hymn as a Christian expansion of the root sense of good-bye, ‘God be with you.’” As parting often can be very painful this hymn affirms that God is with us while we are absent from one another.
Methuselah became a father at 187 years old. Methuselah lived to be 969 years old. He also fathered Lamech who lived to the age of 777 years. Lamech was the father of Noah.
O God, we never know the time of our own death nor that of a friend or loved one. We also may not know when we will next see one another. Help us to say what we need to say and to show our love and affection so that if that should be our last time together on this earth, we will have no regrets. Thank You, Lord, for giving us these lovely parting words for saying good-bye. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.