There are some lessons that I call “lifetime lessons”. I see these as lessons for living. They are also some of the lessons that it may take me a lifetime to really learn. One of the major lifetime lessons for me is that plants need water – regularly.
I have learned that every time someone is kind (and foolish) enough to give me the gift of a living plant. I have tried to learn that as a homeowner who has a yard and bushes. Thankfully, God sends rain on a number of occasions to make up for where I have forgotten.
Living plants need water in order to be refreshed. And when you water them regularly, it’s amazing how they grow. Building on that, the Psalmist began the book of Psalms:
“Happy are those who meditate on God’s Word day and night. They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper.” (Psalm 1:3)
Just like with my plants, I know that true growth in faith comes from regular refreshment in God’s word. But, sometimes I forget. How can we get back to prospering?
Read and meditate on God’s Word every day, and then I can see how I may really prosper.
God of my very being, help me to remember that as I plant myself alongside the river of Your Word, Your grace, and love, and care will overflow into my life. Amen.