Moving into Proverbs chapter 25, we find some sage advice being repeated from previous chapters (and in this week’s devotions I will skip over one more comment from the writer of Proverbs on sharing a house with a contentious spouse), and then we have a string of proverbial comparisons. For the sake of grouping these sayings as a series, I will title the next few devotions “It Tastes Like Chicken…”
A word fitly spoken is LIKE
apples of gold in a setting of silver.
Proverbs 25:11
When I hear of a setting – I often think of a ring. Imagine a silver ring with a gold bobble the size of an apple plopped on top. Or picture an elegant table, with a centerpiece of spectacular silver vessels, adorned with golden apples. That’s pretty desirable. A word fitly spoken is what God has prepared us to offer to others. And how good does that feel to everyone involved?
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.
Many of the Proverbs that we have considered so far have helped us ponder the power of the tongue. It can bring great joy and considerable harm. We do speak, and we are encouraged to speak in ways that build people up, help the situation, and bring happiness and wholeness.
A word fitly spoken is like good things coming true.
Creator God, you have given me a heart to care, a mind to craft my words, and a mouth to be used in building others up, and offering your love and grace to others. Guide my tongue as is proper for a disciple of Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.