8 For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God; Ephesians 2:8 AMP
The theme for next year’s Advent Devotional will be members and friends of First Presbyterian sharing about the best Christmas gift they have ever received. Are you thinking of the best gift you’ve received in your head right now? Guess what? We should all have the same answer but it’s probably not the first thing that pops into our heads.
Our Lord and Savior loved us all so much that He gave us the best gift that we did not deserve and we do not have to earn. It’s a free gift. How many things are actually free in this world? All we have to do is accept it and praise Him for it. Because of His amazing love and unfailing grace, we have been saved. We don’t have to suffer through life wondering what’s coming next. Our eternity is already planned for us. The Eternal Mansion is prepared and waiting. We will be called Home, when He says it’s time.
My mother taught me a long time ago how important it is to follow up receiving a gift or kind gesture with a thank you note. Friends, every day we need to “send God a thank you note.” Whether it’s spending time in prayer, reading our Bibles, devotional time, singing praises to Him, or simply just stopping to stay thank you. Our Heavenly Father deserves a big thank you and praise every single day!
Thank You Lord for giving us the best gift ever, salvation through Your son Jesus Christ. We are thankful that we do not have to earn this or lose it if we fall short some days. We give You thanks, praise, and honor. Thank You – thank You – thank You Lord. Amen.