
The Hymns of Eastertide

By: Alan Harvey

Posted: April 2, 2018

Category: Daily Devotional

Jesus Christ Is Risen Today

… the men said to them, ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here but has risen.
Luke 24:5b

It is thought that this hymn with its beautiful “Alleluias,” had its beginning in Latin before being translated into German and finally English. The first three stanzas were from the Lyra Davidica and Charles Wesley added the third.

Though the calendar may read March 18, June 2, August 5 or November 23, the day is Easter when the person comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He or she believes that Jesus died on the cross for his or her sins and was raised from the dead so that the person may receive forgiveness of sins and become an heir of eternal life.

As he or she sings, the individual is reminded that while he or she has been saved, he or she is now part of a great company of believers. It is “our triumphant holy day.” It is “Hymns of praise then let us sing unto Christ our heavenly King.” It is “the pains which He endured our salvation have procured.” It is “Sing we to our God above.”

As in this year Easter falls on Sunday April 1, but indeed any day of the calendar year is Easter for the one who comes to believe that Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior. In making that affirmation of faith the person is joined with that great company of believers … the communion of the saints.


O Lord, we thank You for Easter and for the knowledge that any day is our Easter when we profess our faith in Jesus Christ. Indeed we have great reason for rejoicing. Thanks be to God! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.