For over 20 years, First Presbyterian Church has responded to Matthew 25 by feeding every hungry person who comes to our doors. Now, our Bag Lunch Ministry feeds an average of 80 people each weekday. Food items are purchased in bulk by the Deacons, and volunteers are needed to assemble bag lunches. It takes about an hour or two for one person to bag 125 lunches. If you would be willing to come by, please call the church office at (863) 294-3121 and find out how our supply is holding out, and schedule your time to help.
We feed around 100 people each Saturday night, year-round in our Saturday Soup Kitchen. Our weekly ministry of providing a hot meal, in the name of Jesus Christ, to the hungry in our community will not hit a summer slump. The crews usually meet at the church kitchen around 2 p.m. on Saturday for food prep and set-up. The serving hour at our 737 building is from 4-5 p.m. Clean-up is usually 30 minutes and everyone is out the door by 5:30 p.m. If you would like to be part of this ministry of care and compassion, sign up on the bulletin board in McLeod Hall. Helpers are always needed!