First Presbyterian bell ringers have been preparing for the Spring Ring this Sunday, April 29 at 4:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.
Each of our bell choirs will present one or two songs in addition to a beautiful arrangement of How Great Thou Art with Majesty, arranged by Joel Rainey and played by twenty ringers with piano accompaniment.
In addition to our Chapel, Chancel, and Christ Kids Ringers bell groups, we will have three guest bell choirs performing: Beymer Bronze, The Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal, and First Presbyterian Church Haines City.
The program will finish with a magnificent arrangement of All Praise and Glory arranged by Sondra Tucker that uses bells, chimes, and organ with over fifty ringers! Come and join us for a wonderful concert!
After the program there will be a reception outdoors in the memorial garden where you will also be able to hear a sample demonstration of the Deagan Tower Chimes!