October 23, 2014
For Lent in 2014, our staff published a daily devotional series to accompany our journey to empty tomb. The response was so tremendous that the staff has continued to write these daily devotionals. Not a…
October 1, 2014
Come help us celebrate ministry around the globe on World Communion Sunday as we enjoy “Supper with the Strangs.” Fred Foy and Cecily Strang will be our special guests as we hear about their plan…
September 24, 2014
This year’s Palm Sunday marked the dedication of the Glory to God hymnals for our use in worship. Out of 500 hymnals, 392 have been dedicated, which means there are still 108 hymnals needing dedications. On…
September 8, 2014
First Presbyterian Church is hosting Dinner and Movie where we will feature Heaven is For Real. We will provide pizza for the evening, but here’s what we need from you. Please invite friends or family…
September 5, 2014
Our Fall Sunday School classes will begin on Sunday, September 14. Children and Youth will begin at 9:45 a.m. All children ages three through fifth grade meet in Room 101 for music time, followed by…
September 2, 2014
Christ Kids starts on Wednesday, September 3 at 3 p.m. Please join us out on the Playground! All children ages four through fifth grade are invited to attend this FREE weekly after school program. During…
July 21, 2014
As part of a yearlong church facilities improvement project, over thirty five youth group members, church staff, and adult volunteers attended the Dirt Pile Party. Three truckloads of top soil were spread around the newly…
July 16, 2014
Continue to keep our High School Youth in your prayers as they spend a week in Montreat. Here are some of their words about the week so far. "I had an awesome first day! I met lots…
July 9, 2014
This summer the children from Vacation Bible School raised $674.14 towards animals for Pass on the Gift, Heifer International. The children and volunteers were challenged to each bring in $2 so that we could send…