Poinsettias are a yearly tradition to decorate the church on Christmas, “in honor of” or “in memory of” a loved one or friend. This year the poinsettias will be in the sanctuary on December 21. Please fill out the order form below. The cost per plant is $11 and checks, marked “poinsettia fund”, should be made payable to First Presbyterian Church.
Place the order form and check in the offering plate, mail it, or take it to the church office by Monday, December 15.
A complete listing will be available Sunday, December 21.
In Memory of: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
In Honor of: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
_______ I will pick up my poinsettia after the 9 p.m. Christmas Eve service.
_______ I would like my poinsettia delivered to a shut-in.
Number of plants ordered: _______________
Amount Enclosed: $____________________