Matthew 6:19-29
A friend once told me that the reason they go to church is so that they get a reminder of what they are supposed to do in their life. That led me to think that church could be viewed as a booster shot of sorts. Each day we fall short of the perfect example of humanity found in Christ. Stopping to think about how many times we fall short of this goal can be overwhelming and seemly leave us no other choice than to give up.
Then we come to church. There we hear a weekly reminder of love and forgiveness. There we are charged to go into the world and do as Jesus would do. After we leave, it is easy for our eye to look away for a second, but when we try to look back for Christ we convince ourselves that we can’t find him. Then we come to church. Our eyes refocus on Christ very clearly depicted through the chancel window. Our ears hear again the good news we have needed all week. We are loved and forgiven.
We are given a shot to help us to battle against the supposed powers of the world so that our focus can be on the God who created, loved, and saved us.
Almighty God, give me the strength to focus on you and not to circum to the world. Amen.