What does this sound like? What does it really mean? Faith is Belief in the Unbelievable! Well, it sounds to me that faith is something other than actual being, seeing, and/or knowing! OK, so where do we get this faith? Does Publix stock it? Can we buy it cheap? Are we by ourselves able to create it? The answer to all the above is dream on McDuffie!
Once again, we find in this story of Abraham and Sarah that God our Father/Creator does things out of the normal, out of the unacceptable. That faith is truly not believable is going a lot further outside the realm of our loving God than any of us ought to go. God’s ways are not necessarily our ways, therefore we simply have to believe and do what God has given to us.
Our Biblical lesson found here in Genesis has to be read and accepted by faith, there is no other way. If you have your Bible open please turn to our lesson and read it again. I’m sure you will find that this story of Abraham & Sarah, if it were not in our RSV Bible, would be overlooked by our reason.
This story reaffirms what to us would be a scandal were it not scripture. It tells us how difficult a living faith really is. Would we put faith into an act that is not reasonable as far as the normal scheme of life and perception are concerned? The promise of this Biblical story is not a conventional piece of wisdom that we can put to good use in our life. It is God bringing about His will to achieve the promise given to Abraham and Sarah. Believe the unbelievable and live!
Holy Father, God of all creation, teach us Your way that we may live and You would have us to live. Amen.