
His Ways

By: Amy McKee

Posted: November 19, 2016

Category: Daily Devotional

For God says, “I will break the strength of the wicked,
but I will increase the power of the godly.”

Psalm 75:10

God will have the last word. God will have the last word. God WILL have the last word. Perhaps this is a mantra I need to adapt in my life. It doesn’t say anywhere in the Bible that Amy will have the last word or that Amy’s ways are the right ways. No, my name isn’t mentioned anywhere in there, specifically. However, the Lord knows exactly what He’s doing. He knows the judgments that will fall upon those who do evil and He knows the glorious eternity that awaits for the godly. God knows. He has it all planned out. What do we do in the meantime when things don’t go the way we think they should go? We pray. We pray. We pray. Praise Him that He has the final word because if it was left up to us, there might not always be grace. Thank God for His grace, mercy, and love that He extends to each and every one of us each day!


Father God, Your ways are so much greater and higher than our ways. Thank you Lord for Your grace, mercy, and love that You grant us every single day. Help us to trust in You and focus on that fact that You have the last word. Not anyone here on earth – only You Oh Lord and for that we are so thankful! Amen.