On Sunday mornings this summer, a group of teenagers and adults are gathering in McLeod Hall at 9 a.m. for a class called Re-reading the Gospels. For our homework, we plan to read all of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John over the summer months. In our weekly sessions, we hope to discuss how each of the four gospel writers focus on the person and the work of Jesus.
We began our summer reading in Mark’s gospel, and so the first verse of our summer adventure was Mark 1:1:
The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Mark says a mouthful in that first line.
When we read the gospels, we discover for ourselves the “good news” (that’s a literal translation of the word we often render “gospel.”) Each page of these New Testament books tell us the good news of what God has done for us.
And it’s the good news about Jesus Christ. God came in human flesh in the person of Jesus to claim and save us.
And the good news that we discover in the gospels is that “Jesus is the Son of God.” As we learn about Jesus, we see the very Son of God. As we listen to Jesus, we hear God’s truths. As we welcome Jesus into our lives, we encounter the divine.
If you’re looking for a way to spend some quality time this summer, jump into the gospels and immerse yourself in the life of our Lord.
Thank You for letting me learn and know the good news in Your Word, as I fill my life with the stories of Jesus. Amen.