Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them; for they were seized with great fear.
Luke 8:37
Read Luke 8:26-39
It is a Sad Story because a man had been tormented by demons.
It is a Sad Story because the man was an outcast – having run around naked and having lived among the dead in the midst of tombs.
It is a Happy Story because from the beginning: the demons recognize the authority and power of Jesus and the man came to meet Jesus.
It is a Sad Story because the man on occasion had been kept under guard and bound by shackles.
It is a Sad Story because the man could be so violently tormented that he broke the shackles and fled to the wilderness.
It is a Sad Story because the man was tormented by many demons named Legion.
It is a Funny Story because the demons beg Jesus not to cast them into the abyss.
It is a Funny Story because the demons beg Jesus to allow them to enter into a herd of swine.
It is a Funny Story (maybe not for the pigs’ owner) because: the herd of swine now infected with the demons ran down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.
It is a Happy Story because the swine herders went to tell all in the city and in the country what had happened.
It is a Happy Story because those who heard what the swine herders reported came to see for themselves.
It is a Happy Story because the man who was exorcised of the demons was found sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind!
It is a Sad Story because those who came and saw the man now healed were afraid and asked Jesus to leave them.
It is a Sad Story because Jesus might have done many good things for the Gerasenes, if they had welcomed Him rather than asking Him to leave.
It is a Happy Story because the man who was healed was grateful and wanted to follow Jesus.
It is a Happy Story because Jesus told the man to return home and to tell all how much God had done for him.
It is a Happy Story because the man accepted Jesus’ Commission to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Dear God, in the course of our lives there are sad stories, funny stories, and happy stories. We thank You for the remarkable transformations that occur when You enter our lives and when we yield ourselves to You as our Savior and Lord. Keep us always eager and ready to share with others all the good things You do for us. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.