Daily Devotion Focusing on the Missions Supported by First Pres
John 6:35
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
Meals on Wheels of Polk County is a non-profit organization, actively supported by churches, civic organizations, businesses, and hundreds of active volunteers and residents throughout the Polk County Area. Their mission is to provide hot, nutritionally balanced meals and a daily contact to the homebound residents of the Polk County area. The program also provides a friendly visit to many seniors and the homebound in our community. Some of the recipients of Meals on Wheels are short-term such as those needing help after surgery, while others are long-term.
Every weekday, lunches are prepared at their Winter Haven location and then delivered by volunteer drivers to recipients in Winter Haven, Auburndale, Haines City, and parts of Lakeland. They receive no government funding and rely on community donations and income from their Thrift Store. Volunteers are always needed to help with food preparation and meal packaging in the kitchen, delivering meals at lunchtime, and assisting with their thrift store (bagging, hanging, and tagging clothes). Our church has a number of folks who volunteer their time in a variety of ways to help this important ministry. Meals on Wheels also receives financial support from the Deacon’s fund.
Merciful God, we give You thanks for Your presence with us at all times of our lives. Hear us as we pray for this ministry who helps to bring food and a kind word to those in need. Help us to be mindful of the needs around us. Strengthen us to serve You with a joyful heart. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
For more information, visit mealsonwheelspolk.com.