Acts 3:1-16
God gives us what we need the most. (And God knows what we need better than we do.)
In sharing stories with children about God, the editors of the Spark Story Bible for children include the account of Peter healing a man who was sitting by “the beautiful gate” of the temple.
There are lots of stories in the Bible of Jesus and His followers healing people. Sometimes healings are hard for adults and children to understand. The story is told to the children in a matter of fact way:
When Peter and John walked up to the gate, a man who couldn’t walk asked, “Would you please give me some money for some food?”
Peter said to the man, “Look at us. We don’t have any money for you, but I have something much better. In Jesus’ name I say, get up and walk!” Peter reached out for the man’s hand, and suddenly the man’s feet and ankles and legs grew strong!
If Peter and John had reached into their pockets and shared a few coins, that man would have gotten what he had asked for, but not what he really needed. His life would have just remained the same. But these believers were bold enough to help him get more than he had asked for.
God may be waiting to give us what we need, instead of what we think we want. Let’s try accepting what God is offering, rather than what we are pursuing.
Wonderful God, let me immerse myself in Your Word and Your will to the point that I truly seek and accept what You are offering me — an abundant life following my Lord and Savior Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.